Ingénierie Financière

Analyse financière, modélisation financière, dimensionnement du capital économique, prévisionnels financiers, analyses de rentabilité, valorisation, recherche de financements et levée de capitaux.

Conseils aux entreprises

Analyses stratégiques de projets et d’entreprises, réalisation d’études et documents de recherche, mise en œuvre de Business Plans et de dossiers de financement.

Gestion d’actifs

Assistance au pilotage de la performance d’actifs et de projets, optimisation de la gestion financière, production d’outils de contrôle des risques et d’ingénierie d’aide à la décision.


Based in the French West Indies, OceanCapital FWI was established in 2012 as an investment banking business. The firm’s culture is founded on the ability to capitalise on the stable jurisdiction of the French West Indies, as part of the European Union, to bolster Pan-Caribbean integration to the global financial markets and thus attract international capital and investors to the Caribbean region and Latin America.

Committed to the highest business and governance standards, OceanCapital FWI is a unique specialist of cross-border transactions with identified growth potential and value creation. Our Directors’ extensive experience of international investment and banking provides the firm with a unique savoir-faire in the Pan-Caribbean region to reach out to the global investment community.

OceanCapital FWI can assist project development with high quality strategic services, financial analysis, M&A services, capital raising, ad-hoc restructuring schemes, due diligence assignments, and dedicated asset management.

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